Sunday Morning Worship
Join us for in-person or livestream worship at 10 am! To view our livestream worship, simple subscribe and follow our new YouTube channel.
Get involved on Sunday Mornings!
There are so many exciting way to get involved with life here at New Hope! Check out all of our Sunday Morning opportunities below. Please click the graphic, contact person, or call our office for more information at 614-766-5445. Thank you for sharing your God-given gifts with us. New Hope is a better church when everyone, from the youngest to oldest, gets connected to a ministry!
Greet people at the Welcome Center and help them find their way around New Hope. Contact Amy.
Greet people as the enter the Sanctuary, pass out bulletins and help take offering. Contact Dave.
Make a joyful noise to the Lord by singing or playing an instrument. Contact Christine.

Make the coffee and help set up, and clean up the fellowship time after worship. Contact Jim.
Provide baked goods to be enjoyed by all with morning coffee during fellowship and after worship. Contact Amy.

Guide the children in Children’s Church or Sunday School by being a caring presence.

Lead children (Children’s Church or Sunday School), youth or adults growing in the faith using a prepared Bible study.

Be a caring buddy for a child with special needs on Sunday morning or during special activities. Contact Megan.

Be present for those who need someone to listen and pray for them during or after worship. Contact Kathy.

Enhance our worship experience by helping with audio, projection, and livestream. Contact Christine.
Bless our worship space with flowers. Click here to pick your date and dedication. Contact Amy with questions.
Join our email list to make sure you are receiving the most current information from us. Visit our Welcome Page for more!