New Hope Church Endowment Fund

Since inception, the New Hope Endowment Fund has awarded over $200,000 in grants to over 20+ organizations in the Columbus metropolitan area. The funds for these grants came from the interest earned on the New Hope Endowment Fund principle invested through the Columbus Foundation. A grant committee comprised of New Hope members reviewed all applications submitted for grants, and determined the grant recipients based on numerous criteria.
A donation to the New Hope Endowment Fund is never touched, lives on as principle forever, continues to earn interest, and provides a lasting Living Legacy to support New Hope’s Christian ministries within the community. By growing the principle in the New Hope Endowment Fund the ability to award grants also grows. Please contact any member of the New Hope Endowment Fund for more information.

The mission of the New Hope Church Endowment Fund Board is to enhance discipleship and stewardship for the continual long-term growth of New Hope’s Christian ministries within the community.

Through generous donations, the NHEF principal is invested for total return through the Columbus Foundation. On an annual basis, a portion of the interest income, from the previous year, is awarded to Christian non-profit charities in the form of grants. Your principal investment is never touched, lives on as principal forever, earns interest, and provides a lasting Living Legacy to New Hope today, tomorrow and in the future.
To be eligible for grant funds, applicants simply need to submit a Grant Request prior to the annual deadline (for 2025 the deadline is April 6, 2025). After evaluation by the Grant Committee, recipients are selected, approved, and notified. To meet the deadline, the Grant Application must be completed and emailed to the New Hope Endowment Fund Board Grant team at
If you are feeling called to volunteer your time and talents with the New Hope Endowment Fund Board, please see any board member in the Narthex after a service.
If you would you like to help further the mission of the New Hope Endowment Fund Board through financial support, please support our fundraisers (Memorial Bricks, Easter Flowers, Ticket Raffles) and/or donate directly to the fund (Benefactor, Inheritance & Gifting). Remember, all financial donations are a Living Legacy!
The NHEF holds money that is donated to support the long-term growth of New Hope’s Christian Ministries. – Funds are held & managed by The Columbus Foundation: one of the largest & most well-respected foundations in the nation.
NHEF is over and above one’s commitment to New Hope’s Operating Budget. NHEF is for those pursuing additional giving options. Your principal investment is never touched, lives on as principal forever, earns interest, and provides a lasting Living Legacy to New Hope today, tomorrow and in the future.
A Grant Committee comprised of New Hope members, awards funds annually using the income generated from the Principal account balance. Grow the Principal = Grow our ability to award grants.
People who give to The Endowment Fund are generally passionate about giving and leaving a lasting legacy. They understand the need to continually support New Hope Church, its ministries and community outreach programs now & well into the future.
  • Annual Grant program to support mission work of local organizations
  • Sanctuary Stain Glass Windows
  • Fellowship Pavilion
  • Ed Klinker Walkway
  • Columbarium
For questions and additional information about our New Hope Church Endowment Fund, please contact our church office at 614-766-5445.

Grow the Endowment Fund, Grow our Community Outreach.