Easter & holy week
at New Hope
Our worship on Easter Sunday begins at 7:00 am at the Africa Event Center in the Columbus Zoo with the Easter Sunrise Service. Everyone is welcome! To access the Africa Event Center, simple drive to New Hope Church. Ushers will be present to direct you past our parking lot, to the Event Center Parking lot. Please do not use the main Zoo entrance. Handicap parking is available. Contact our front desk with any questions or concerns.
The 9:00 am and 11:00 am worship services will occur at New Hope Church. You are encouraged to bring fresh-cut flowers to these services to help decorate the Living Cross.
He is Risen!

Join us on April 13th for our Palm Sunday worship at 10:00 am. We will sing our praises to the King of Kings as we parade in the sanctuary waiving palm branches high and shouting “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” After worship, our annual Easter Egg Hunt and Celebration will take place at 3:00 pm. Click here to register and learn more.

Join us for the Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service on Thursday, April 17th at 7:30 pm. Immediately following the service, we will be offering a Prayer Vigil. You may sign up for a half hour on the sheet in the Narthex or by clicking here.

We invite you to attend the Dublin Cross Walk. We will begin promptly at noon on Good Friday (April 18) at Riverside Crossing Park Plaza (east side off Riverside Rd) and carry the cross across the pedestrian bridge and through the streets to Dublin Community Church for a brief service. If you’re unable to join us for the walk you are still invited to the worship service in the historic chapel at Dublin Community Church. The Cross Walk is our way of saying to the world that Good Friday is not “just another day,” but the day that Jesus gave his life for us.

Our worship on Easter Sunday begins at 7:00 am at the Africa Event Center in the Columbus Zoo with the Easter Sunrise Service. Everyone is welcome! To access the Africa Event Center parking lot, please drive to New Hope Church entrance where ushers will direct traffic from the church to the event center (please do not use the main zoo entrance).
The 9:00 am and 11:00 am Worship services will occur at New Hope Church. You are encouraged to bring fresh-cut flowers to these services to help decorate the Living Cross.