Children’s Ministry

Child Check-In!
Please fill out this Child Check-in Registration for your family. Once you’ve filled out the form, you can safely check your child into Sunday morning programs each week at one of our child check-in stations!
Children’s Sunday School
Children (3 years old through 5th grade) are invited to attend Children’s Sunday School during 10 am worship hour. Children will attend the start of worship in the sanctuary with their family, and then will be dismissed to Sunday School after a message with the Pastors.
It takes several adult and youth volunteers each week to offer Sunday School. Please check out the link on the children’s website to join the team!
Preschool & Pre-K:
Purple Room
Kindergarten & 1st Grade:
Blue Room
2nd & 3rd Grade:
Orange Room
4th & 5th Grade:
Yellow Room

Nursery Care is provided during Sunday morning Discipleship Hour, Worship and for various other church events. The Nursery is open for children from birth to age 3.

Kids Club meets in the Fellowship Hall during 9am Discipleship Hour. It’s a time for kids (Preschool through 5th grade) to wiggle, worship, and wonder!

Children’s Sunday School meets during 10am Worship during the school year. Children start in worship with their family and are dismissed to Sunday School after the Children’s Message.
Preschool/Pre-K: Purple Room
Kindergarten/1st Grade: Blue Room
2nd/3rd Grade: Orange Room
4th/5th Grade: Yellow Room
Save the dates for Kids WOW on Wednesday evenings (11/6, 11/13, 11/20 and 12/4)! Each week we explore the Bible, play games, craft and share dinner together!

Team EveryBuddy is New Hope Children’s special needs inclusion ministry. If you have an interest in becoming a buddy, or if your child needs a buddy, please contact Emma Hogrefe.
4th & 5th graders learn the importance of service as they complete outreach projects once a month from September through May.

Get eggcited for our annual Egg Hunt & Celebration on Sunday, April 13! Click the button below to learn more!

Children & Educators are invited to wear their bookbags to be blessed for the new school year! Save the date for August 11.
Every year, we celebrate the birth of our Savior with a Party! We have pizza, cupcakes, a dance party and games while learning the true Christmas story.